[EDQM] Enoxolone CRS

등록일2024. 07. 30
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[EDQM] Enoxolone CRS

[EDQM] Products

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[EDQM] Enoxolone CRS


Product Detailed:

Catalogue Code E0180500
Name Enoxolone CRS
Current batch number 3
Unit quantity per vial 220 MG
Number of vials per sales unit 1
Storage conditions Store the original container at +5°C ± 3°C, protected from light. The container should not be opened until required for use.
Dispatching conditions Ambient temp.
Availability Available
Instructions for use Allow the closed container to equilibrate at ambient temperature before breaching to avoid uptake of moisture. Use “as is”. Do not dry/desiccate before use.. Once the container has been breached, stability of the contents cannot be guaranteed. It is for immediate use.
Safety Hazard Classification For laboratory use only. Handle in accordance with good occupational hygiene, safety and laboratory practices and take precautions to avoid exposure.
Uncertainty of the assigned value, when applicable According to ISO Guide 34 and ISO Guide 35, for this Pharmacopoeial standard the uncertainty of the assigned value is not stated since it is considered to be negligible in relation to the defined limits of the method-specific assays for which the reference standard is used.
Shipping Shipment at ambient temperature for no controlled and no dangerous

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